9 Business & Management Degrees to Consider

6 Nov, 2023 | Economics & Business, University Preparation

In the era of new and burgeoning industries, pursuing a degree in Business and Management is an ideal way to better understand – and contribute to! – the ever-evolving world of commerce, entrepreneurship and organisational leadership.

What Will I Learn Studying for a Business and Management Degree?

A Business and Management degree equips students with the knowledge and skills to thrive in the world of business. It fosters a deep understanding of the corporate world and the intricacies of effective management, preparing students for roles in management, marketing, finance, entrepreneurship and consulting.

I. Fundamental business concepts

Business and Management students graduate with a strong understanding of core business principles, including business terminology, theories and models across a range of subjects. 

You’ll learn how economic conditions influence business decision-making, gain practical experience with financial statements, budgeting and financial planning, and develop skills in marketing strategies and campaigns.

II. Leadership and management skills

You’ll also explore different leadership models and styles, and learn how different approaches to leadership can impact teams and organisations. 

You’ll develop clear and persuasive communication, team management and conflict resolution abilities, equipping you with a valuable skill set for your future career in business.

III. Practical business applications

Practical experience is often an important part of any Business and Management degree programme. 

Internship opportunities, case studies and business projects are all great ways to gain hands-on experience in real business settings, allowing students to apply their knowledge and learn how businesses function in the real world.

IV. Business ethics and social responsibility

A Business and Management degree also explores ethical theories and frameworks, corporate social responsibility and sustainability. You’ll examine real-world ethical dilemmas to understand how companies can contribute positively to societal and environmental causes.

How Do I Choose a Business and Management Degree?

A degree in Business and Management can lead to a range of different careers in a near-infinite number of sectors, so exploring potential careers, for example by taking a career test, can be very useful in choosing your degree. 

The great thing about university is that the further you go into your studies the more freedom you have to choose what interests you, so spend some time reflecting on your personal interests, strengths, long-term goals and career aspirations.

9 Business and Management Degrees to Consider

We’ve put together a diverse (but far from comprehensive) list of nine different Business and Management degrees to help get you started.

1. Finance

Money, as the famous saying goes, makes the world go round. Financial management, investment industries and capital markets are essential components to the smooth running of an economy. 

Ambitious students with a keen interest in Mathematics or Economics might consider studying a Finance degree to pursue future careers in financial analysis, investment banking, financial planning, and risk management. Often based in the heart of the world’s major cities, finance roles are exciting, challenging and fast-paced! 

If you’d like to trial a future in finance before committing to a degree, our finance-focused internships offer high school students the unique opportunity to learn about the theory and practice of economics, work closely with our expert mentors, and gain valuable experience for future university and job applications.

Chart tracking finances

2. Marketing

We’ve all seen marketing in action! Whether it’s a 15-second advert on TV, or an action-shot from a new film pasted on the side of a bus, marketing is a prominent part of our daily lives. This means that the marketing industry has plenty of career opportunities, working with a wide range of clients and companies. 

As consumer behaviour has changed in the age of the smartphone, so too has the marketing industry, with an ever-increasing focus on digital marketing as a tool for creating brand awareness and driving business growth. 

If you’re a student with an interest in Creative Writing or graphic design and research, and enjoy expressing your creative side, then a degree in Marketing could be the path for you!

3. Entrepreneurship

A world without innovation would be a world without everything from a wheel to the internet. Entrepreneurial skills help drive innovation and business start-ups, creating new ventures and driving economic growth. In other words, the entrepreneurial spirit has driven human progress since the dawn of time. 

If you’re a young person with big ideas, then an Entrepreneurship degree could be the path for you, opening doors to careers in business ownership, venture capital and innovation consultancy. 

Our online Business & Enterprise course is a fantastic opportunity to trial out a future in entrepreneurship, exploring what it takes to build a successful business, and crafting your very own, detailed business plan!  

4. Human Resource Management

If your skills lie in encouraging cohesion in a team environment, either at school or during extracurricular activities, then human resource management might be the ideal path for you. It could also be a good option if you’re looking to combine an interest in business with a flair for the psychological and behavioural sciences.

The world of HR is all about talent management and getting the most out of employees; it’s essential in fostering a productive and engaged workforce. Careers in this field can include recruitment, training and development, and employee relations. 

Human resource management, to put it plainly, is an essential cog in any well-functioning business, big or small.

Two people sitting across from each other, talking

5. Operations Management

Another essential cog in any business is operations management. Operations managers oversee the functions of businesses at every level, managing supply chains and dealing with logistics. 

These roles are important because they streamline processes and enhance efficiency. In other words, without operations managers, businesses would lose lots of money, jeopardising their very existence. 

A degree in Operations Management can lead to career paths in supply chain coordination, production planning and inventory control.

6. Strategic Management

No business or enterprise can function without a strategy – without strategy, a business is merely an idea. Strategic management careers deal with the planning, analysing and decision-making of a business; these tasks are essential to a business achieving their long-term goals. 

If you’re a student with critical thinking skills and a tendency to look at the bigger-picture, a degree in Strategic Management could be the perfect fit. Post-university careers in strategic management include strategic consulting, business development, corporate planning and management analysis.

7. International Business

In today’s connected world, products travel far and wide to reach us! Whether it’s a smartphone designed in the United States, fresh fruit harvested in Central America, or a car manufactured in Japan, our consumption habits are proof of the success of cross-border trade.  

International business fosters international collaboration and expansion – both essential in maintaining the working order of our globalised society. If you’re someone with strong communication skills, keen cultural awareness and a business mindset, an International Business degree is definitely worth considering. 

8. Supply Chain Management

Effective supply chain management is essential to the correct and efficient functioning of any business. Good organisation and communication skills will help you thrive in a Supply Chain Management degree, where you must oversee the disparate parts of a business to ensure they successfully work together as a whole. 

Careers in supply chain management include supply chain analysis, logistics coordination, procurement management and supply chain consulting.

Person reading a

9. Master of Business Administration

An MBA, or Masters of Business Administration, is a prestigious postgraduate degree programme that combines a comprehensive business education with strong leadership development. Typically, an MBA lets you explore sectors that are of particular interest to you, including finance, risk, and even sports, entertainment and healthcare management. 

The degree is a huge advantage for career advancement, equipping students with numerous essential skills in the world of business, including communication, time-management and awareness of the global market. 

A number of undergraduate degrees can serve as a strong foundation for later pursuing an MBA, including Business Administration, Economics, Political Science, International Relations and Finance. MBAs are often extremely competitive, which is why we offer the chance to gain practical experience through our online OxBright internships in Economics, Business, and Politics, giving your application an invaluable boost.

With such a diverse range of Business and Management degrees, it’s easy to find one that fits your own personal interests and skill set! 

The best thing you can do when applying to university is to make an informed choice, confident in what to expect from the degree and its potential career paths. 

Our range of university preparation resources are designed to help make these big decisions a little easier, supporting you in pursuing your passions in the fields of business and management.  


By Sam Cox

Sam is a recent English graduate from the University of Bristol whose interests include twentieth-century fiction, film, and cultural criticism.

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